Monday, March 21, 2011

Powerpoint ruins lectures

This one has bothered me for ages.

Whoever invented this thing was obviously looking for convenience. Who wants to write stuff up on the board? That’s too much work for professors and students. If you present stuff digitally, you don’t need to write things out. Plus you can print them out as handouts. Include a few empty spaces, so students just fill in the blanks…

Does that mean that students are paying attention?

Maybe. But only enough to notice when the next slide or transition or fancy do-hicky has appeared.

Here’s a thought: no text, just images. It is a “lecture,” so talk instead of reading off slides. Those slides should illustrate what you say, not dictate your “speech.” Speak well enough and students will listen. Even better, they’ll decide on their own what to write down.

What about calculations and derivations?

Include those in your handouts. Now you’ve saved time for everyone to discuss what matters: what do those formulas mean?

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